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Was the Clinton administration more moral? No, probably not, I don't hold his administration blameless, and I firmly believe that if Ms. Lewinsky hadn't existed, then Gore would have won the 2000 election, and who knows, maybe New York's skyline would still be unchanged.

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Gore? President?......Scary, but maybe he could have gotten a patent on his invention of the internet... :roll: :)

And I highly doubt that the NY skyline would have remained unchanged because of him, that administration had already blew off opportunities to rid itself of that possibilty.

Edited so I could add.

  bassnmedic said:
Gore? President?......Scary, but maybe he could have gotten a patent on his invention of the internet... :roll: :lol:

And I highly doubt that the NY skyline would have remained unchanged because of him, that administration had already blew off opportunities to rid itself of that possibilty.

Edited so I could add.

Similar to the same opportunities to catch and prosecute the same person who changed that same skyline? :?

Oh wait....thats the current guy. Sorry.... :)

And I highly doubt that the NY skyline would have remained unchanged because of him, that administration had already blew off opportunities to rid itself of that possibilty.

I think you would be surprised, America was much popular under Clinton :)


Look, if Gore had become president, I still think we'd be somewhere in the late 90's. Remember them? X-Files, slacking off, worried about the Y2K bug, well, we probably wouldn't have still been worried about that, but I really believe that if the State of Florida had figured out how to vote, I could have had that lunch in the Windows on the World cafe like I had been meaning too, and we'd all just keep our mellow little vibe we had going for a while, which I really liked. It was far better than this whole Yosemite Sam lets get a posse together and round up the evil doers for Jesus thing that was instilled on us. I said it once in a previous post and I'll say it again, I don't care who we elect in the next election, Republican or Democrat, so long as I don't have to see lower Manhattan on fire, or American citizens dying of dehydration in New Orleans, and all of the brave men and women in the armed forces get to spend time with their families rather than end up being IED fodder, I'll be happy!

  Asysin2leads said:
Look, if Gore had become president, I still think we'd be somewhere in the late 90's. Remember them? X-Files, slacking off, worried about the Y2K bug, well, we probably wouldn't have still been worried about that, but I really believe that if the State of Florida had figured out how to vote, I could have had that lunch in the Windows on the World cafe like I had been meaning too, and we'd all just keep our mellow little vibe we had going for a while, which I really liked. It was far better than this whole Yosemite Sam lets get a posse together and round up the evil doers for Jesus thing that was instilled on us. I said it once in a previous post and I'll say it again, I don't care who we elect in the next election, Republican or Democrat, so long as I don't have to see lower Manhattan on fire, or American citizens dying of dehydration in New Orleans, and all of the brave men and women in the armed forces get to spend time with their families rather than end up being IED fodder, I'll be happy!

Asys, I must say, I definitely agree with your last sentence. 9/11 and Katrina were devastating, I just don't think a different party in office would have made a difference one way or another. Let's just hope we never have to find out.


Dems have done great in Mass. High cost of living and high taxes. Unless your an illegal then you can go to school for free and free medical care. A & B on an EMT is dismissed from court as part of the job. Now with free them all Deval in office it is only going to get worse. I can't wait to get out of this state.


Here's the thing about your claim that assault and battery on an EMT being dismissed is somehow the Democrats fault. Democrats, and left leaning people historically, have actually been the law and order people. Yep, they believe in a bigger government, responsive to peoples needs. This means more laws. Republicans are the ones who are all for individual rights to own assault weapons and form your own compound in Idaho somewhere. If you don't believe me, think of this, if someone was on TV advocating that people should own weapons to defend themselves and slashing the budget for the police department to save money on taxes, do you think he'd more likely be a Democrat, or a Republican? In that vein, just so everyone knows, it is now far easier under the current administration's "War on Terror" for an angry turban wearing fellow to load up an assault weapon with hunting ammunition and have some fun at your local mall then it ever was under Clinton. Katrina happened in part because of the Republican's views on a smaller government and the downsizing of federal agencies. So, next time you go to vote, remember, you can either have a government that is small and leaves everything up to the individual, or you can have one that protects you, but you can't have both.


A little reality check...

#1. The attacks on the WTC had been in the works for years, long before the 2000 election. If you really believe that Atta and his boys would have called off the attacks if Gore had won you are seriously stroking yourself. Remember the attacks on the African Embassies and the USS Cole, all under the Clinton administration. Al Queda hates the U.S. it does not matter which party (read puppet) is in power.


  Asysin2leads said:
Katrina happened in part because of the Republican's views on a smaller government and the downsizing of federal agencies.

Katrina happened because a tropical low hit a jetstream high or some kind of weather crap like that. The hurricane really didn't much care about smaller government, it was just doing its job. The crappy response was because we have and always have had complete and utter morons in our government. Having lived through the only volcanic eruption in the lower 48 I can tell you more people would be alive today if the Pols would have listened to the geologists and made the "Red Zone" larger. Just like the idiots in New orleans they were more worried about image than listening to the experts, 57 people died, if the eruption would have been on a Monday the toll would have been in the hundreds. Politicians are the most self centered creatures on the planet no matter what party they belong to.

#3. Windows on the World was overpriced food with a view, I'd rather have a Nathan's Dog with Kraut! :wink: Yeah I know I'm a cheap date.



  SSG G-man said:
Wasting resources! Did you hear Peolosi is not happy with the 14 passenger jet the Air Force provided the last Speaker, she feels she needs a 43 passenger plane a her disposal. (This plane has a crew of 16 as opposed to 4 or 5 for the other).

Now this is bothers me.

The request for a plane that had coast to coast non-stop capabilities came from the House Sargent at Arms who plays an important role in providing security for members of congress. It was his suggestion and his request that a larger plane, with a longer range, be made available to the Speaker.

This is important for several reasons. The Speaker of the House is second in line to the Presidency (behind the Vice President). There are security measures that need to be maintained to help ensure the Constitutional line of succession should the President and/or Vice President become incapacitated or killed. Stopping for fuel on a cross country leg increases the security risk. Apparently, it presents enough of a threat that those responsible for the Speaker's security felt it necessary to make the request.

Despite the House Sgt at Arms going public and saying "This was my idea, not hers!" the GOP has persisted in trying to discredit the Speaker. He further stated that he regrets that a security issue has become politicized.

What's more, a plane is something that has been provided to the Speaker in the past. It's nothing the past Speakers haven't had. O'Neill, Gingrich, Hastert all had planes available to them. But they all lived in the eastern half of the country. It's not the fault of the current Speaker that she lives on the west coast.

If you want to blame anyone for the request that the Speaker be afforded a plane to take it up with those who provide security for the Speaker. It's their request. It's their job to ensure the Speaker's safety. The current Speaker had nothing to do with it. What's more, she even said she'd fly commercial if it came down to it.

In the meantime, if you feel it necessary to find fault with the current Speaker, find something of substance. You'll be taken more seriously that way. (This last comment is not directed directly to SSG G-man. It's a general reference to any and all who feel it necessary to take petty pot shots at any and all politicians.)

-be safe

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