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What your Cell Phone screen reveals about you.

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Did you know the image on your cell phone screen reveals clues to your personality?

Pick your favorite scene from the following and find out why it rings your bell.

CUDDLY ANIMAL- You're a real softy with wells of compassion for the troubles of

family, friends-even perfect strangers. You inspire others with your upbeat philosophy

of life.

LANDSCAPE-You're a hard worker who uses the peaceful pic on your phone to decompress

during stressful times. Taking time out also helps you move forward with calm deliberation.

CARTOON- You're a person who can juggle several balls at the same time to complete all the tasks

in your busy life. But you enjoy escaping back to your happy childhood for a moment.

RELIGIOUS SYMBOL-Angels, saints or other spiritual figures are a sign of the faith that's with you at all times.

You know a higher power is at work in your life, inspiring your personal values.

ABSTRACT SHAPES- You're a creative person who thrives on solving problems with imaginative solutions. Your

enthusiasm for life makes you open to new people, projects and ideas.

CITY SKYLINE- You're an adventurous soul who's motivated by the excitement and opportunities available in the

metropolitan areas. You have the courage it takes to fulfill your wildest dreams.



I have 2 (Landscape & Religious Symbol).


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You forgot the one that applies to me:

DEFAULT BACKGROUND-You're extremely lazy. Start working, slacker, you're 3 weeks behind in class and that post-lab report is due tomorrow. You will fail at life in 2 years. 3 if you're lucky. People around you catch your lazy attidude, begin slacking excessively and then they fail at life too. Good job asshole.

You forgot the one that applies to me:

DEFAULT BACKGROUND-You're extremely lazy. Start working, slacker, you're 3 weeks behind in class and that post-lab report is due tomorrow. You will fail at life in 2 years. 3 if you're lucky. People around you catch your lazy attidude, begin slacking excessively and then they fail at life too. Good job &*%hole.

Well, here I thought I was ready for class, but now I have to go change clothes since I pissed myself laughing at this!



Ok if you cant afford to own a cell phone or there is no service where you are, pretend like everyone else that you have one, drive around with your hand stuck to your ear. :wink:

  • 2 weeks later...

Being a friendly and outgoing guy I always acknowledge any, "Hello," I get in the street around UCLA where I'm attending EMT classes. So far, when I look over, I've always found myself smiling dumbly at some kid with a cell phone stuck in his ear, and being ignored, while my cheery, "hello," just hangs out there in thin air . . .

NickD :lol:




CARTOON- You're a person who can juggle several balls at the same time to complete all the tasks

in your busy life. But you enjoy escaping back to your happy childhood for a moment.

Only problem with is, my cartoon on my phone is kind of twisted and demented lol! so I'm wondering if the above still applies to me :lol:

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