AZCEP Posted March 4, 2007 Posted March 4, 2007 The fact that Rid has seen fit to try to educate others while at the same time pursuing more education for himself should be applauded. Any provider of medical care for those less fortunate should be pursuing the most education they possibly can. Resorting to name calling is a sign of a weak argument from the outset. Physicians respoect those that can discuss concerns intelligently. RN's and PA's have achieved their current status through expansion of the education they require. EMS is in a position that requires it move forward. The only way that this can be accomplished is through more education for the providers that are entering the field. Holding on to obsolete standards of education because they have been barely adequate to this point shows a lack of professionalism to those that are trying to support the postion that EMS currently holds.
Laura Anne Posted March 4, 2007 Posted March 4, 2007 ^ Just wondering, what level is Math 110? [100+ is upper division course work at my school] Sorry, was attempting to write Math 101, describing the ideal of a basic Math course. Since I looked at the college courses, it would be a Math 034 class, which is needed to get into the Math 134, which then will allow you after passing the course to get into Math 141, which is College Algebra and Applications. Sorry for the confusion! :wink: :wink:
Ridryder 911 Posted March 4, 2007 Posted March 4, 2007 The fact that Rid has seen fit to try to educate others while at the same time pursuing more education for himself should be applauded. Any provider of medical care for those less fortunate should be pursuing the most education they possibly can. Resorting to name calling is a sign of a weak argument from the outset. Physicians respoect those that can discuss concerns intelligently. RN's and PA's have achieved their current status through expansion of the education they require. EMS is in a position that requires it move forward. The only way that this can be accomplished is through more education for the providers that are entering the field. Holding on to obsolete standards of education because they have been barely adequate to this point shows a lack of professionalism to those that are trying to support the postion that EMS currently holds. Thanks.. AZCEP About the time you thought most of the "lower mentality of ambulance driver syndrome" may have been dissolved, along comeschicagoambo to just prove to us we have a long way to go. One of my reason to place my titles is to irritate many like calling oneself "Paragod".. It usually gets a rise and response from those that are not qualified or never will be able to obtain such titles. As well, it demonstrates that most never have read professional responses in forums and journals; which you should post your credentials to at least allow others to know you have experience and expertise in that area. I have to admit as disappointing and discouraging chicagoambo comments are, it does cause me to be more motivated to remove the ignorant idealogy and ambulance drivers in EMS. Apparently, many assume it is always the rural area that always lack the mind set to advance past the 1960's .. but at least he removed that myth. chicagoambo if you are against education at least try to post in defense of it rather than calling names or bragging about salaries. In comparision sanitation engineers make more $$ than most paramedics, as well as factory workers where screwing a bolt in is the most mind baffling thought of the day but that does not impress many of us. We realize in comparision health care workers are poorly paid. It would be interesting to hear logical thoughts against increasing one's knowledge and improving care for patient's. R/r 911
pinymayu Posted March 5, 2007 Posted March 5, 2007 How much education is required to be a paramedic?Not a nurse,or doctor.A ambo grunt, i have to laugh at you supermedics who are impressed with your titles! Hey we're talking being a paramedic, next thing i'll here is lets do chest tubes in the field! How many articles have you published? How much research do you participate in and or read.. How doyoupropose EMS care is improved and should evolve?
pinymayu Posted March 5, 2007 Posted March 5, 2007 Let's be honest here. A 2 year degree is the low ball minimum. As many of the seasoned, educated, omnicient, and well known and respected EMS guru's here: "Rid, Dust, AZCEP, CHBARE, ERdoc, PRPG, etc.." have mentioned. For ESM to come into it's own much like ERdoc and the others mentioned we need to have at least this troika in place. 1.) Sufficently intellectual, moral, able bodied, common sensical educated and experienced providers. 2.) A national credentailing system-organisation of EMS clinicians with both the teeth and support to enforce the educational, training, research, funding, etc.. One which will allow for the advancement and evolution of EMS practice and theory. 3.) The will to unite and force change as a positive thing For more see here: pinymayu
MTNMANMEDIC Posted March 5, 2007 Posted March 5, 2007 Where do we start ? Would we be better served by coming up with National Standards, National Protocols and then build the education programs based on them ? Fragmentation is a big problem in EMS, State A says do it this way, States B-Z say do this way, then you throw in Regional Councils and OEMDs that say do it this way. We have Hospital based EMS, Municipal based EMS, Private, Contract EMS and Volunteer Agencies. All have their own hiring standards and operating guidelines. What about a National Accreditation Standard like you see in Law Enforcement Depts ?
AZCEP Posted March 5, 2007 Posted March 5, 2007 That is an excellent point, and probably deserving of it's own thread. Stand by as I try to get one started.
Asysin2leads Posted March 6, 2007 Posted March 6, 2007 Sorry but here we are paid alot of $$$$ and nurses make alot less! we are probably paid in the top 3% Then? maybe,u,could@ afford.someTYPING!classes
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