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...but I'd like to know the reasons, since I'm sorting out these issues myself. I posted it in the EMS Discussion because, while not strictly about medical policy or treatment, it overlaps with EMS, and also because I hope to catch Dustdevil's response in particular (among others). Although it may seem a pretty "out-there" perspective, please do include some thoughts among your feelings if you express an opinion.*

Or we'll round you up for your own good.

*as Dust almost always does.:wink:



Just skimmed through this, but seems like a liability thing. If they let kids drive themselves and they got hurt, then they'd be more liable.

If the parents came to pick them up and were turned away though, that'ls all the school's fault if it resulted in injury or death.


Thank god for computers and word perfect.. now, everyone can be a published author and have a valid opinion. Let's see, lets not have a plan let chaos happen... then he write another article on the tragic event and how they should had controlled persons action. There are people that need to get a life !

R/r 911


There are no right answers. Either way, there would have been death.

If he woulda let the kids out at 1300, they woulda been on the roads when the twister hit, and more would be dead.

You're damned if you do, damned if you don't, and damned when it's done.


That happened about 75 miles west of me. That's exactly why I would never trust a school to handle my child's life. We got tornado warnings shortly thereafter. For those who don't know, a warning is worse than a watch. It means conditions are favorable and likely to produce tornados. Our daughter was immediately pulled from school. At least if something happened, we could be with her. Maybe it's stupid logic, but I'd rather she be with us then alone.

I don't care what the school says. If I tell them I'm picking up my kid, then that's what I am going to do. They don't get a say in the matter.


I'll be glad to say it Michael. I agree that there is a huge waste of resources regarding the "what if" situations.

Everything from WMD's to MCI's to standard hazardous materials equipment. The Department of Homeland Security in all of their collective wisdom has set policy that if you can demonstrate a need, real or not, of needing funding or equipment, your department can get it.

Every department jumps on this bandwagon without honestly assessing what they really need. When was the last time you ran a hazmat call? Do you have a transportation corridor that facilitates bus or airline traffic? How have you managed these incidents previously?

Preparation is one thing, but wasting money on items that you will probably never use is another. How about we spend some of this money preparing providers for what they will actually be dealing with? Establish community flu vaccination programs, immunize school kids, or how about public education on what to call an ambulance for?

Much more useful than the million dollar haz mat trailer that will never move.


I feel like this idiot lives in a bubble. I am in my late thirties and we had the same drill for tornados when I was in elementary school. He makes it sound like this is something that has only happened in the last few years. Ok, we close the school, some kids leave some are waiting for rides. What happens when twister hits and the parents are lined up in the parking lot to get their kids.

We need to prepare for emergencies. Damn, look how the government is being smacked for Katrina, which in my opinion is BS. The Fed government did pretty good in responding. Had the state and local governments acted better a lot of suffering could have been avoided. But, that is another discussion.


it's amazing that people who live in glass houses always seem to throw the most stones. This guys a moron. Oh my oh my, we should have let the kids out in this storm. Whoops, there goes another one, out of Kansas off to the land of OZ, oh my there goes the Baker's Car - it looks like a pinata getting pummeled by the wind of this tornado

What I dont' understand and maybe someone can help me with this, Was there not a basement to put these kids into? why crowd them into a hallway where one collapsed roof could have killed everyone in the hallway.

Do they not have basements in schools or was this school below the water line or unable to have a basement?

I'm not clear on that point.



Well, I never went to a school that had a basement. This guy needs to get a grip. He would have been the first to bitch if they let the kids go and one got hurt or killed on the way home.

This reminds me of what goes on here when there is a possibility of snow. If the schools close and we do not get the predicted amount, parents complain. Next storm the schools stay open and we get nailed, kids are hours late getting home, same parents complain!!


A few sayings come to mind:

You can't please everyone all the time and you can't please some people any of the time. Don't put all of your eggs in one basket.

1. Are there really public places like schools in tornado county that does not have a basement? I don't live there, so I honestly don't know (I like earthquake country).

2. I am surprised that they don't have a system of waviers in place similar to lunch passes [passes allowing people with cars to leave campus and go home for lunch] for these events.

3. I am extremely surprised and concerned that they would deny a parent's request to pull a student out of school at ANY time. Unless the student is 18 or older, or an emancipated minor, the school should not have a choice.

This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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