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I have a son who has that exact spiderman costume. He also has Buzz Lightyear and Superman as well as Batman

He indeed does get superpowers(at least he thinks he does) by wearing those costumes but then again he also has superpowers when he is in his civies.

Children will play superhero no matter if they are in a costume or out.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist or someone throwing money to a researcher to know what parents from all over the world already know.

Kids think they have superpowers no matter if they are wearing a costume or not.

just ask my son who he thinks he is most of the time? He's either superman, batman or the boy who wrestles with his father and usually wins.



I wonder how many Johnny & Roy related injuries there were over the years? :lol:


Times must be bad to have to research and publish such hogwash. Apparently, we have cured and solved too many other world problems. I agree with Ruff, kids will imagine no matter what. Of course we have attempted to limit their imagination and play time by new inventions.

When I was a child, I remember I would make a superman, batman costume out of whatever I could find. If I did not even have one I would pretend.. Yes, I am sure I took risks that was dangerous, just as any child does. The main point no matter costume or not, superhero or playing with any toy, game we our responsible (guardian, parent) and do not need studies or research to confirm such. We need to be careful and watch and supervise our children.... it is called parenting.

R/r 911


News flash. Kids are ridiculously stupid at times. That is what makes them fun (for the most part) and why I have a job at the summer camp I work at (yes, Batman jumped off a boulder again...)

If kids didn't do stupid stuff, they'd never learn from it. Imaginative play, including socio-dramatic play and role playing, is crucial for children's social and intellectual development (at least according to Vygostky). Can you tell I have a developmental psych final coming up?!

If you try to suppress this kind of play, you will end up with a lot more problems than a few broken wrists and bumped heads...

Personally I'd rather see my campers play at being Batman than glued to their safe, if stagnating, Nintendo DS gizmos. I'll deal with the cuts, bruises and occasionally more serious injuries. I'll bet the kid who hopped out the window won't do that again, or if he does, he'll know a little bit more about grab points and balance....





Rid, you are totally off base here, how dare you say we have to parent our own children isn't that the governments responsibility or daycares???

All kidding aside, yes, you have to parent your own child. You have the ultimate responsible in the end for their well being, safety and morals.

WE too often have others rear our children, Myself and my wife are guilty of this during the week as Liam is in daycare but that's because my wife works and I travel so we do what we have to do. The good thing is, that my wife's work has a daycare that LIam is in and my wife sees him for lunch every day. Come Friday saturday and sunday, I am with my son nearly 24 hours a day either playing, napping, eating or just sitting down and talking. I know every one of his friends first and last names, I know everything he does at daycare and in return he knows most of everything about me. It's a two way street. If you do not connect with your children then you run the risk of their connecting with someone else and that sometimes is not a good thing.

You keep a close eye on your children and bad things still happen.

I can remember one day, my son was watching the Wiggles and I ran to the bathroom. when I got back Liam had gotten up on the dining room table and what I got to see when I was walking in the room was Liam leaping off the dining room table onto the counter in the kitchen. Scared the bejesus out of me. I asked him what he was doin and he said "I'm batman dad! cant you tell by the mask" (no mask but he said he had one on)

We cannot keep them safe 100% of the time, we'd like to but we cannot.

To have a study published to tell nearly everyone who has kids what they already know was a waste of money.


I think it was a good study...not a waste of time at all. Trying to prevent injuries by looking at the data and understanding what goes on. Valid research topic.


Wait, what do you mean KIDS have superpowers? You should see what happens when I put on my uniform. Seriously, we just got new outerwear and I asked my boss when the capes were coming in!!!

Ok, for real though...I remember wanting to be WonderWoman...I think at one point I had myself convinced that I was (even though my mom refused to buy me the underoos that would prove the point!) We all pretended, we all got hurt some way or another....the difference was when we were kids, our parents allowed us to be kids. I'm not sure we needed a study to prove that when kids put on certain outfits they get hurt...like someone said, they're kids...they're going to get hurt regardless of what they put on.

On a side note, dont you, as adults (I hate the term 'grown-up') have outifts that make you feel better than others? Power suits that make you feel that you can succeed? Dresses that make you feel cover-model gorgeous? Take those things too far and we can get hurt too...usually not physically, but you see what I mean. We never really lose that knack of pretending we're someone more powerful than who we really are...the difference is that most of us realize at some point that the cellulite on our thighs isn't conducive to the WonderWoman costume, or that our CEO will look at us funny if we're jumping off the table in the middle of a meeting, dressed in our favourite cape....although the look on the faces of the drunks when you whisper "I'm Batman" to them will never cease to amuse.....

Tox :lol:

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