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We are desperately short of Paramedics in the UK and the new University system is doing nothing to help that!

I am looking at the idea of setting up an employment agency to help foreign paramedics gain employment in the UK. I would get my fees from the employer so there would be no charge to the Paramedic applicant except those made by the relevant bodies e.g. HPC, Immigration etc

We cannot guarantee a job and we cannot guarantee that an application will be accepted by the HPC but as we would not be paid unless an applicant was placed in a job it is in our best interests to get you employed!!!

Basic requirements would be as follows although those with a * can be gained once you have your registration and are in the UK

- Paramedic registration/qualification in your own country

- UK driving licence with C1/D1 categories unless exempted*

- Clean criminal record

- IHCD Driving course*

- Work Visa (we will work with you on this)

- Bachelor degree or higher preferred

Applicants under 27 are highly likely to be offered a visa and applicants over 32 less likely due to the points system. Applicants with an MBA are guaranteed a visa and applicants with a phd are very likely to be offered a visa.

Would anyone be interested in this service? Please PM me your details if you would like to consider it.

I reitterate, there would be no charge to the applicant for our services.


Ok Mate, You've been on the piss for too long or you more likely you are on acid. I'd spend the time and effort on something more beneficial in the UK.

What makes you think that Paramedics want to come to the UK with the exchange rate as it is, the weather, and the violence that is growing against EMS providers over there.

Do you really think Bubba the medic from rural North Carolina (for example) is going to be effective in Surrey, York, Edinburgh or worse yet...Glasgow?

Also, just how many EMS providers do you think you could attract with MBAs and PHDs? Not enough to earn the quid you think you should get Im sure

But keep us posted pipe dreams are fascinating.


  somedic said:
Do you really think Bubba the medic from rural North Carolina (for example) is going to be effective in Surrey, York, Edinburgh or worse yet...Glasgow?


Why can't " Bubba " be from South Carolina? Say Pineland for instance. :lol:

Correct me if I am wrong but here you are recruiting for the UK, yet in another thread you are soliciting advice on how to come to America to work as America is great and has the best scope of practice.

Is this true? I mean the part about you being hypocritical?? Sneaking out the backdoor while inviting everyone through the front...


I am 24 years old and want to travel a bit and further my career. The UK has excellent opportunities for Paramedics and many Paramedics have higher education qualifications. In fact I know of five Paramedics who had former careers in business and as such have MBAs.

An MBA isn't a pre-requisite but the UK immigration would guarantee someone with this qualification a visa. At no point did I say an MBA was a pre-requisite I just advised that it would guarantee someone enough points to gain a work visa if they happened to hold one.

The exchange rate would encourage Paramedics to come to the UK as the salary we are offering is £40,000 for 3 x 12 hour shifts which equates to $76,000 where the heck are you going to earn $76,000 in EMS in the USA?

Are people on this forum always this aggressive and abusive?

England is one of many countries someone could choose to live and work and I have seen many posts from paramedics wanting to travel to the UK.

We have good weather most of the time, this is a great country to live and work in, we have a strong currency and thriving economy, the crime rate is lower than the USA, violence towards EMS is nowhere near as dramatic as you suggest.

If you don't want to come to the UK then fair enough but please don't make pathetic posts like that in an attempt to try and undermine me.

I am coming to the USA to further my own education, my own skillset and learn from a different system. That doesn't mean there is anything wrong with the UK, it doesn't mean I am "sneaking out the back door" just trying to learn more than I currently can.

Any more crap like this and I won't bother using this forum anymore I wonder if this is why the membership is so low? Fear of attack from idiots?


Nremtp, try not to take comments personally. I think it is reasonable to ask for clarification. People are simply looking at the situation, asking questions, and utilizing critical thinking to question your statements.

Take care,



I want to RSI, cric, chest tube, pace, cardiovert, have 70+ drugs, ummmm c-section, amputate, operate, and diagnosis and send people home with 200 hours of education.

No 300 hours. But then I can bilat amputate...and transplant ape hearts (look it beats)...

Go home.

  nremtp said:
The exchange rate would encourage Paramedics to come to the UK as the salary we are offering is £40,000 for 3 x 12 hour shifts which equates to $76,000 where the heck are you going to earn $76,000 in EMS in the USA?

NYC, San fran, San Diego, LA, Many parts of the mid west, AK etc can all make similar figures, and of course they pay less tax :bootyshake:

Also, your exchange rate rationale makes the common mistake of misinterpreting how far the pound can go, compared the dollar in their respective countries. You can get just as much out of $40,000 in the US as you can with £40,000 in the UK, if not more.

Don't believe me? Try pricing the things we take for granted in our lives (using the dot-com and co-dot-uk as the two variables). Items such as all the electrical and perishable goods we use daily, and you will see the huge mark up for the UK market for the same item (housing is probably comparable though). EMS goodies??? Try galls.com versus SP services...no contest!

Cars? I will use my own just as an example... Price in US ~ $21,800 OTR, price in UK ~ £18,000. Convert the monetary value into pounds and you will see I paid £7,550 ($12,700) less for the same vehicle. Then there is the cost of fuelling the damn thing...$8.00 or so for a GALLON in the UK, compared to $2.00 or so here, so my dollar is taking me 4 times further, literally, in this instance.

The exchange rate thing is only relevant if you are taking money from one country, exchanging it, and spending it in the other...I live this; I know!

the crime rate is lower than the USA,

No argument there.

violence towards EMS is nowhere near as dramatic as you suggest

He wasn't being dramatic. The poster stated ..."the violence that is growing against EMS providers over there", and his point is 100% correct. Show me a link or citation from a frontline NHS employee, with evidence to the contrary and I will shut my mouth. The fact that stab / bulletproof vests are now part of the operational uniform in many trusts, is an indication of an obvious problem.

Here are just a couple of the many, many daily instances we read about all to often...here, here, here, here, here, here. And just so the nurses don't feel outdone...here

The problem seems to be that the typical underclass chav (similar to white trash) views anyone in uniform as fair game for assault and abuse, and they are basically getting away with it Scott-free. They resent anyone who chooses to conform with society, obide by the law, and work for a living. Those in any public uniform (such as NHS tech or paramedic) will epitomize this, and the severity of this social menace should not be down-played. The other factor is the "take it on the chin Son" attitude many people in the UK have, when it comes to physical assault. Hence, the lenient sentences for those few (who are actually prosecuted) receive are laughable. All is forgiven if ETOH is involved.

That said, I would still encourage anyone who wishes to live and work in the UK, to do so, but not on a whim. It still remains a great place, (you may just have to watch who you sing the Star Spangled Banner in front of, when you are out on the piss) and as for EMS, it is certainly ahead of the US in many (not all) ways, with the NHS utilizing their staff as practitioners, rather than providers. I would though, strongly discourage looking anywhere else but here as far as actually starting the application process. Those who promise the World rarely deliver it, and if a web page doesn't have dot-gov-dot-uk, don't waste your time. And for God sakes, visit the place first ](*,) :violent1:

PS somedic, stick your comment about Glasgow up your arse :wink:


Paramedics could complete the process themselves, they could fill in the huge HPC application form and pay their $$$ for it to be repeatedly rejected because it isn't completed the way the HPC want it completed, they then could fly over here and try to find a job themselves, they could apply to every ambulance trust in the country in the hope that they would get a job.

They could then find out themselves that they can't get a job without Cat C1 and D1 on their licence, they would then find out that they can't get a job without the emergency driving qualification. They could then spend months trying to get on a driving course after first spending months trying to find where to get one.


We will assist them with their application and we will check the application form for them making sure it meets the standards and everything that is required on there is present. We will then hook them up with one of our own driving instructors for their C1/D1 categories, we will place them on the emergency driving course which we are able to do, we will then place them in a job with one of our client NHS trusts who use us as an employment agency and whom we have already supplied with paramedics.

The choice is simple, do it yourself and face difficulties or have someone there with you to hold your hand through the process. OK we get paid by the trusts for each applicant we place but why should the applicant care? We are not taking any money from the applicant so I fail to see how anyone will be harmed by our venture.

This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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