iMac Posted May 7, 2007 Posted May 7, 2007 As long as they don't start hitting on me I have got no problems. I don't agree with it but if it brings joy to their life then all power to them but like I said if you start hitting on me, you will win yourself a punch in the teeth.
captainstandup Posted October 13, 2007 Posted October 13, 2007 RidRyder is spot on; on this one. I too don't believe homosexuality to be OK. From a religous perspective I disagree with the practice. From a political perspective I want to vomit each time I hear the liberal scumbag politicians pander to the "gay vote" From a personal perspective it troubles me greatly to be force fed the gay agenda by pretty much everyone in Hollywood. Im fed up with the gay pride marches and the poor pitiful gay me folks featured on talk shows and the nightly news. I don't give a damn who or what you lay down with at night, I just don't want to hear about it. It's not my fault the gay folks are "oppressed" and downtrodden. By the same token I don't care who you marry. For those with a frontal lobe I submit the entire gay marriage issue is about money. ITS ABOUT MONEY!!!!!!!!!! The very folks that hang out with you at your theme clubs, the insurance company execs that donate to every gay friendly cause known, the hospital officials that portray themselves as open minded are the ones stabbing you in the back. They realize that by allowing same sex partnerships they will be adding thousands of "dependants" to coverage and from a cost perspective this amounts to hundreds of millions of dollars annually. From a human perspective, noone should be able to treat homosexuals unfairly regardless of ones personal convictions on the matter we are a civilized society and as such everyone deserves respect until they no longer deserve it
Asysin2leads Posted October 13, 2007 Posted October 13, 2007 You know, if you're tired of Hollywood force feeding you the gay agenda, you can always, like, turn the channel and stuff. Personally I find child beauty pageants to be particularly repugnant, so I don't have anything to do with them. See how that works? Same goes with Paris Hilton, Nicole Ritchie, Britney Spears, Jon Benet Ramsey, or who ever that mom is who killed her kid on the front of People magazine this week. If I see any publication with any of them on it, I don't read it or buy it. Feel free to adopt the similar principle and use that God given free will you keep hearing everyone talk about.
iMac Posted October 13, 2007 Posted October 13, 2007 gay men are ALWAYS physically very attractive. I'm convinced there is a regulation among gay men about that. :toothy2:
captainstandup Posted October 13, 2007 Posted October 13, 2007 I just don't understand how the homosexual folks have the energy to raise hell about everything. Much like the revisionist historians they hope to create a new world of "equality". I submit that equality isn't the goal instead they ride the equality and disenfranchised train as far as it will go then fall on their swords (no pun intended) crying "poor pitiful gay me" They didn't hire me because I'm gay, they didn't promote me because I'm gay, they wrote me up because I'm gay and on and on............... If the homosexuals want to be treated fairly they should skip a few protest marches or sit ins and just do their part in society without making a big noise about it. This may come as a huge suprise to you but we DONT CARE about who you lay down with! We do care about your being to work on time, prepared to provide good customer service and to follow the policies that everyone else follows.
AnthonyM83 Posted October 13, 2007 Posted October 13, 2007 This may come as a huge suprise to you but we DONT CARE about who you lay down with! We do care about your being to work on time, prepared to provide good customer service and to follow the policies that everyone else follows.See, that's where you're wrong. A lot of people do. I've heard people verbally say it. Just like the race issue, people do still discriminate on race. Problem is there's lazy people, drama people, etc etc in all ethnicities and sexual orientations, so you'll still get people that overdo it or cry wolf. But do know that people do have a problem with people's race or sexual orientation, even if we don't have a problem with it. You've wrongly pegged a lot of people with the above comment...
itku2er Posted October 13, 2007 Posted October 13, 2007 See, that's where you're wrong. A lot of people do. I've heard people verbally say it. Just like the race issue, people do still discriminate on race. Problem is there's lazy people, drama people, etc etc in all ethnicities and sexual orientations, so you'll still get people that overdo it or cry wolf. But do know that people do have a problem with people's race or sexual orientation, even if we don't have a problem with it. You've wrongly pegged a lot of people with the above comment... I agree Anthony, There are good and bad in everything reguardless of what your sexual preference, race, age, religion, are. This stuff has been going on since the begining of time. ' Some just carry it to the extreme what ever the case maybe. But the only problem is the same old chiche.. One bad apple ruins the whole basket. Drama queens/kings and the ones that cry wolf over anything are the ones that ruin it for the rest of that group.
Asysin2leads Posted October 13, 2007 Posted October 13, 2007 I just don't understand how the homosexual folks have the energy to raise hell about everything. I guess they get it from the same place those guys outside the abortion clinic and on the 700 get it from. You know, because I actually work with real live gay people, I've noticed that there are quite a few who pretty much do come to work, go home, and live their own lives. The ones you see on TV all the times are the ones who can afford to show up wherever cameras are because they don't need to be at work, just like those a--holes outside Terry Schiavo's place, its not like any of them had work to go to in the morning. The other thing I've noticed is that if you're not gay, then the gay agenda doesn't affect you at much, or at all, for that matter. I've also noticed that the people most opposed to the gay agenda seem to always be "man's men" who enjoy hunting, alone, in the woods, with other men, hanging out at the firehouse with their 'guys', and such. Isn't it ironic, don't you think?
JakeEMTP Posted October 13, 2007 Posted October 13, 2007 I've also noticed that the people most opposed to the gay agenda seem to always be "man's men" who enjoy hunting, alone, in the woods, with other men, hanging out at the firehouse with their 'guys', and such. Isn't it ironic, don't you think? That is so true. I actually laughed out loud at this!
captainstandup Posted October 13, 2007 Posted October 13, 2007 One of my best friends is a lesbian and in a committed relationship. She doesn't spend one damn minute of her life protesting, whining, pissing and moaning about how disadvantaged she is, you know why? Because she is a professional self assured individual that doesn't need to draw attention to herself or the "gay cause". Her relationships are, like everyone's should be, private. She is decent hardworking and honorable unlike the 99% of the gay men in the town where we work who are constantly marching or in the media crying because someone has infringed on their "rights"
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