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I've been recruited into coming up with ideas to boost morale and increase riding hours among volunteers at our rescue squad.

Other suggestions have been things like pool tables and things like that. While a pool table may be fun, it won't be fun for everyone and doesn't guarantee that the members playing will be assigned to a unit. I.E. people showing up out of uniform.

I was thinking about pins or medals to be worn on class A uniforms for certain achievements. I was wondering if any other agencies did this, and if so, what is recognized? So far, my main idea is a 100 hour pin, awarded for riding 100 hours in a month. Although, this is somewhat exclusive since there are students, people w/ children, and full time jobs who could never ride that.

Are there any things that could be recognized that would appeal and be fair to all members? Thank you! Any ideas are appreciated!


The more hours you do in my services the better, if you do a certain amount of hours they give you jump kits, new uniform, alcohol, something random or strange items ect...

We have about 4 social outings a year, teambuilding exercises, leadership days; we also have ribbons they pin onto their uniform for a certain amount of hours. If you do heaps of hours they have a big award ceremony and give you certificates ect…

We always have an awards night at the end of year break up were they give you trophies and certificates for most hours, best save, stupid things you did on duty, turning up to the wrong event, most stupid thing said on duty, most improved ect its one big joke but a massive laugh, it’s also a family orientated evening.

Getting in the local newspaper or the local TV news all dressed up in uniform doing a mock drill is a pretty big moral booster, people tape it then we play it back and laugh at all the things people are doing in the background.

Theres more, but that’s all I can think of.


When I was working as an emt and this is a long time ago - we had pins for saves and for births.

I think that pins for hours on the ambulance is well, nice and all that but pins don't keep people around. Tangible items do.

How bout education classes to better the emt's or medics.

for every 100 hours ridden in the ambulance entitles the crew member to a certain amount of education credits - what I mean is that if the volunteer rides for 100 hours he gets a 4 hour class paid for towards his relicensure.

500 hours gives them ACLS or PALS

But what I don't get is where do these people get all those hours to volunteer.

Let's look at financial terms

If you are an paid emt on a service - let's say you get 8.50 per hour volunteering for 100 hours a month will net you -$850.00

If you are a paid medic at 13.50 a hour - volunteering will net you -$1350.00 per month

Friends, that's not chump change - that's a good hunk of money

I can honestly think of a better way to spend my 100 hours a month.


The problem is that we don't really have the resources to award educational credits, although I like the idea. As far as volunteering goes, the reason I do it is not for money, but out of service to my community. I have a day job and am a student and ride about 60hrs a month. It's tough, but sometimes moral rewards are just as good as financial ones.

If you do heaps of hours they have a big award ceremony and give you certificates ect…

We always have an awards night at the end of year

Time it for the annual Officer's Installation Dinner/Dance, or whatever the name your agency would call it. Most hours a year is always good.

Then, as I never could get that, as stated due to school, employment, or other distractions of the non EMS world, there is a special award you could offer: Life Member. This was a gold departmental badge with the title in place of a badge number.

Reserve this for individuals who, even if they don't give the maximum numbers of hours served, use the time they are there to do really good stuff.

My now gone VAS only gave out 4 of them over it's 23 year history. I was one of the recipients.


We have nights were the admins roll in a supervisor van and buy the crews dinner in the field...if things aren't too busy, they'll gather a few crews at In & Out, so they can eat as a big group, which otherwise never happens.

You can also have gifts like $10 gift cards to stores for catching good behavior, like having a washed rig after a rain (most people won't was their after a rain, but rig still looks dirty)...or for helping out around the stations, cleaning and such...it's a little harder to catch going above/beyond at scenes, but you could do it for that, too. We have one supervisor here who really like looking after her crews and will go out and buy dinners all the time (BBQ or sandwhiches or fresh cookies/brownies) and then gets comped by the company.


At my company we are just lucky if they don't screw up the paychecks. They have some time of above and beyond award but there is no real reason behind it being given out. You have to submit people for it, or a supervisor has to put you in for 1 but I've rarely seen that and it isn't for job performance, it is for random things. I think they should just forget the whole award thing and put the money into something useful maybe adequate equipment, pay raises, trucks that don't have over 200-300,000 miles on them. But what can you ask for a company just in it for the money.

Does anybody's organization have orders/decorations/awards/etc.? If so what are they issued for?

We don't give out plaques, unless it's to a child who woke up a family and saved them from a fire or someone from the community who risked their life to save another. But we have a plaque in the station that we update each year, XX lives saved, etc. This will be the 153rd year for Fire, and 73rd for EMS.

But we do have a picnic every year, alcohol free, it's a family event. Alcohol and emergency services don't mix, leave that at home. We give out hats, shirts, uniforms, new PPE, coats, etc. to try and keep morale up. But in this type of organization, it's bound to become a PITA eventually. You can only give some much of yourself, I enjoy it and that's why I do it. I usually trade the shirts w/ companies around the world. Ireland, the States, Canada, UK, etc.


"But in this type of organization, it's bound to become a PITA eventually."


A request I make on different strings: Please remember acronyms common to you and your organization might not be common to someone from another part of the county, state/provence, or country. Please spell it out, perhaps bold face the initials making up the acronym, so everyone can know what you are talking about.

Having said that...What does "PITA" mean in your posting? (And yes, I'll probably be kicking myself when you tell me.)

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