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These are some brutal prices. One thousand dollars and up for a 110 hour class seems pretty steep. I remember the basic class was $150 including books and clinicals back in the late nineties. Both my Basic and Intermediate were compliments of the good tax payers. :)

Take care,


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These are some brutal prices. One thousand dollars and up for a 110 hour class seems pretty steep. I remember the basic class was $150 including books and clinicals back in the late nineties. Both my Basic and Intermediate were compliments of the good tax payers. :)

Take care,


Ya I agree, some of the prices are really horrible just for an EMT - B class. Yikes. I am thinking the place I am going to cuold care less if they make a profit of the class or not. Like a good deed to the community type of thing.



my emt b was half hr away and was $400

medic $8,000 plus the cost of books $1,000

travel time half hr clinical time varies usually less than an hr


Well, I won't give my costs since it was before a lot of you were born.. and the average salary was $2.10hr and gas was 40 cents a gallon. The college I did graduate from now costs $73.00 credit hour and Basic is 6 hours, and Paramedic degree is 63 credit hours. Additional costs for books, lab fees, etc.

Ironically, most assume attending the Vo-Tech or business school here is cheaper, which it is not and then they don't have the degree in return.

R/r 911


I took my first EMT-B class in North Carolina in 1987. The local volunteer fire dept paid for it, so cost was $0. The paramedic program that I'm entering in August will cost $ 3300....which includes uniform shirt and specialty certs ( ACLS, PALS, BTLS), malpractice insurance and that includes $100 per semester college fees. The books and workbooks, 8 of them, will cost about $350, through the local EMS region office. If I want to continue and get the AAS degree it will be another $3100. Travel will be minimal as classes are right here at the region office and clinicals are at the local hospitals.


My EMR (EMT-B equiv in the states) was $700 books included.

My EMT was about $5000 after all incidentals are tallied up (books, extra uniform, criminal check etc).

When I do my Medic it will cost somewhere between 10-20000 for two years.

Not to mention the liscencing exams in between, the fact that I am now unemployed to do practicum, travel to get as much experience and exposure as well.

All of it...worth it in the end because I'm doing something and working towards something I am truly passionate about.


EMT-B $600 includes CPR card, books, and no gas since it was on campus and believe it or not there were no required clinicals or ride times to even drive to.

Paramedic- $6500 and probably over $1000 in gas/food by the end.

All the Cont Ed desired- free through work.


This is in NW Ohio and SE Michigan.

EMT-B course - 400.00 including books (2 1/2 yrs ago)

EMT-P course - Just about 5500.00 for an accredited program, including books, uniform, ACLS, PALS, nursing drug book, and a few other minor things. How much I've spent in gas... Good lord, probably half that. And it's only an hour drive.


When I took my EMT-B class (A Bazillion years ago) $175... What I charged when I taught at the same Hospital years later ... $400. That hospital no longer teaches EMS programs.

When I went to get my EMT-P... I think it was $3,500... well worth it in my opinion. Cost in gas to and from class, and to and from clinicals was not that bad, as I carpooled as much as possible.


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