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That is totaly unfair to single out one group, i do not care if you are gay, str8, bi, black, jew or other wise.

No problem. I hate people of African and Jewish descent too. Is that "fair" enough for you?

Whoever told you that life was "fair" is the one you ought to be upset with.

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Hey jon,

I think what really matters is that you do your job, do it well, and respect the people you work with. I haven't had the pleasure to work with any gays in EMS but I have at other jobs. Honestly, it was great! I'm a huggy kind of person (a flirt I guess you could say), and I never had to worry about pissing off my boyfriend because he knew the guys were gay and they weren't a threat. I also loved the fact that we could hold great convo. and bitch about men and how dumb they can be sometimes or in the one case how caddy women can be.

So in the words of the United States Army, "Be all that you can be!", and be the best regardless of who you are attracted to.


It's been a while since I've posted on here, but I'm going to chime in on this one. I used to work on a department that was about 75% gay. Many of the employees were also involved with each other. That is where I drew the line. I don't bring my personal life into work and I don't expect them to bring their's either. If someone choses to be gay or straight, that is none of my business. However, when the gay lifestyle is talked about openly and in many cases, in a context that should not be talked about openly, then I have a problem with it. I do not want to hear about the sex life of a straight individual just as much as I don't want to hear about the sex life of a gay individual. When it comes to this point, then the line has not crossed, it has been pole vaulted over. When push comes to shove, the labels come off and it's time to be professional.


I've worked with Gay partners. They kept their life to themselves and I kept mine to myself. It was our agreement.

If you as a Gay person bring your personal life to work with you then you should be prepared to face some criticism.

I don't care what anyone does in their bedroom or home but please leave it there and do not bring it to work. We work in too stressful of a business without having to worry about someone's sex or personal life. That's what the EAP programs are for.

If you bring it to work then you have to accept the scrutiny either good or bad scrutiny.

By the way, my two best friends are gay. These two friends are also my co-workers but I do not work in the same office or client site as they do. (just to point out my perspective.)


I work with an openly gay female paramedic and really don't care what anyone is into sexually outside of work.

She is a very good medic, and it's fun to check out women with her. we'll see some hot woman somehwere and I'll say, "Um, dang... she was hot." and vice-versa.

When she started at this place, she went arounf putting up flyers for gay marches and stuff, and never hid that from anyone. I respect that a lot, because the only people who have "problems" with her sexuality are the shallow-minded bigots who I find to be offensive, to be honest.

One woman there atually tried to get me to rat this gay medic out for a Pt. refusal/ no Pt. situation, and I declined since I don't want to start a bunch of shit there and she has a beef with the lesbian girl, not me.

I have no love for the assholes in this world who want to further divide us all as people.

So having said that, just be yourself. Be gay, be straight, be into plushie-play, or whatever.

We're not living in the 50's, and if you live in a place where the people are lame and not very prgressive, MOVE.

It's your life, DO something about it.

If I was in your shoes, and some ass hle said, "What are you, a FAG?!?" (and I happened to BE gay,) I'd have said, "Hell yes, I am, you got a problem with that, asshole?!?"

So having said that, just be yourself. Be gay, be straight, be into plushie-play, or whatever.

Better yet, just be a professional and leave your personal life at home. Don't use your professional life to push an agenda. EMS is not a pulpit for you to preach societal change. Come to work, do your job, then go home and take it up whichever orifice you choose. But leave your co-workers and your patients out of it, gay, straight, or otherwise.


To the oringal poster - it seems that the only person who has a problem with your sexuality is you!

I used to work for an ambulance service that was pretty much 100% gay. This was an NHS ambulance service where almost the entire control room were gay and most of the frontline staff were gay. Did I have an issue? NO!

However, so many gays decide to mince about forcing their gayness on everyone else. They put up posters about gay pride marches as another poster said, they complain constantly about how nobody accepts them because they are gay and generally just start to annoy people.

People don't care that someone is gay what gets their back up is when this gay person goes on and on and on and on about it. This then winds people up so much that they start to shun the gay person. Then guess what....... the gay assumes they are being shunned because they are gay.

I bet that your being gay doesn't annoy anyone half as much as the way you are about it.

Why do gays make such an issue about being gay? Why do they have to tell the whole fricking world they are gay? Why do they shove it in everyone's faces to the point of making us vomit? Why mince around the streets waving flags?

If I had a straight pride march I would be arrested! We live in a world of double standards. It is OK for muslims to complain about china pigs in shop windows offending them but when they march through the streets of London waving banners saying "death to Christians" and dressed up as scuicide bombers this is OK!!! Same with gays! It is OK to be proud to be gay but being proud to be straight is a crime!

So in a nutshell, nobody really gives a monkeys about you being gay unless you mince about at work being unprofessional or making inappropriate comments.

I had a gay crewmate who thought he could mince and make inappropriate sexual remarks, a quiet word in his ear and he is fine now.

So put your flag away, get on with your job and stop rubbing everyone's noses in it. If someone doesn't want to accept your sexuality guess what.... That is their choice! We tolerate things, that doesn't mean we have to accept things! Tolerate simply means we put up with it we don't have to like it. So don't try and force your lifestyle choices on other people, don't complain when they don't accept your lifestyle choices because guess what.... it's their choice not to accept you!

Get over yourself pal, nobody cares!

  • 4 weeks later...

I had some in guys in my class that were gay and they were some of the most fun people I've ever been around. I personally am straight, but have worked with many lesbian co-workers and they have more than pulled their share of the work. If anything, it was as if they felt they had something to prove to everyone. As long as you do your job and don't bother me, I could care less. If I get along with you personally is my own issue, but EVERYONE should be able to get along professionally. I have some people I cannot stand personally to work with for personal reasons, but on the truck no one would ever know. We can function like professionals and our patients receive good care (my department rotates partners every month). But hey, if you do your job, I don't care. As far as talking about it, if I can mention my boyfriend you should be able to discuss whoever your person is, if not, then we all need to shut up about our personal lives.

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