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especially like the question "What does a non-fire based EMS crew do on the scene of an MVA, when the car is engulfed in flames and occupants are trapped inside, and fire crews are not dispatched?"..... the EMS provider would need to request dispatch of a fire company...... further delaying care, and furhter increasing risk to rescuers and victims."....

i can tell you what I'm gonna do - wait till the fire department gets there with a bunch of water. But first I'll pull out the marshmallows and weiners.

Can you imagine what a fire based EMS Crew(ambulance) is gonna do? They are gonna wait till the big red fire truck with the 1000 gallons of water gets there.

This was a crock of crap that I'd not waste on my behind. It's goin right to the poop catcher in my rabbit cage.

can't get any more biased than this paper.

I also cannot wait till the video comes out. It needs to go on youtube to complement the trunkmonkey videos.

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Sorry but that quote belongs to Benjamin Disraeli Prime Minister of Great Britian circa 1850. EMS has always been the red headed step child of the fire service and I see no reason why that will change.

Live long and prosper.



I think we need to design a new ambulance....

a type 1 ambo, with a 500 gallon tank, and several hundred feet of hose,,, one compartment will have heavy vests and long guns,,, that way we can do EMS, Firefighting, and Police work all in one. LOL


I'm trying to find the post, but I remember a while ago someone posted pictures of a fire engine with a patient care compartment in it.

  JPINFV said:
I'm trying to find the post, but I remember a while ago someone posted pictures of a fire engine with a patient care compartment in it.

The name was so retarded that I will never forget it.


PLEASE, nobody bump that stupid topic back up to the top! :?

  brentoli said:
I think we need to look in to PD based EMS. Utility based fire.

Firemen wouldn't have to wait for the electric company to show up to move those lines off of the car!

Policemen wouldn't have to wait on the ambulance to arrive to pull out the taser prongs.

Everyone wins!

How about Public Works based fire dept. There is a small municipality in our area that wanted to get away from it's total reliance on volunteer fire fighters. To justify the expense of hiring paid fire fighters the elected officials decided that when not on fire calls the paid guys would work on the street crew filling pot holes and fixing broken water mains. If a call came in, they'd make a mad dash for the fire house. To date this dream has not come true. Isn't that a shame?


I can see the drawbacks and benefits.

How would the assure 24 hour coverage?

Do they just leave the pot hole truck behind?

How many men are on the crew?

  brentoli said:
I can see the drawbacks and benefits.

How would the assure 24 hour coverage?

Do they just leave the pot hole truck behind?

How many men are on the crew?

It's easy, Brent!

They just get trucks built kinda like squmpers, but instead of a patient compartment, there is a big box full of asphalt patch in-between the cab and the hose bed. They can call them ass-pumpers.

This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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