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  WANTYNU said:

I’m not talking about an insane construction belt as some have mentioned, but a few strategically selected items to make life easier.

I was on a job the other day, and wasn’t as careful in checking out my “D”bag as I should of have been (my responsibility), we couldn’t get iv access on this acute diabetic (I’m sure you’ve been there), and needed a small gauge catheter, all I had was 20’s and larger, my partner pulled out a 22 from his pocket, and saved the day, now I still don’t carry cath’s on me, but expecting the unexpected is part of the job.

Notice I did not say window punch, or pocket knife, as the multitool serves for both.

Some here have said its fire’s job to break glass, but what do you do, if you’re first on scene? Wait?

I’m sorry, if you think all this makes me a whacker, then call me a Whacker. (btw on the East coast we call it being “Buff”, or “Buffed out”… (Hoagie, hero, sub, it’s all the same sandwich).

Don't knock the construction belt suggested. The original poster described carrying everything including the kitchen sink on his person. The belt I suggested is designed to distribute the weight much better than the standard duty belt. If you choose to keep so much crap on you why not at least use some brains and make your job easier.

As far as your 22g why in the world was your response bag not properly equiped, did you fail to do a check of it or fail to restock. OOPs sorry my bad you said you messed up, but IV stuff should be in the response bag not on your partners person.

Thank you for admitting more than one way to break a window, it is not rocket science.

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  Dustdevil said:
LOL! Man, you sure managed to completely misconstrue this thread. :lol:

This is a real problem with New Yorkers. They all seem to think the rest of the country (and world) actually give a rat's arse about what they think or do. One only need be two states or more from NY to realise that it is not the centre of the universe. Although television may make you believe that you are something special up there, and that the rest of us care, I can assure you that -- especially in the EMS world -- the rest of us are laughing at you. Not as much as we are laughing at New Jersey, but I digress. :D

And don't forget, young rookie, it is the New Yorker who came here saying he had a problem with all of this in the first place. The rest of us are just trying in vain to help him escape the Dark Side. If you have a problem with that, go talk to your homey about it.

You have just demonstrated for us what is wrong with so many rookies in EMS. Whatever everybody else is doing around you is automatically assumed to be the way things ought to be. Not a single intelligent thought about the rest of the world or a possible better way. Monkey see-monkey do. I'm glad you're happy up there, because trust me, there aren't many employers down here that want anything to do with your kind.


Why the post?

What was the constructive purpose?

You have stated I have shown intelligence in my posts, so do you doubt I could be as cutting in my comments as you?

Do you notice that I choose not to be?

Have I ever put you down, even once?

Smart-aleck comments devalue us all, contribute to this forum, don’t devalue it.

You have a great position, and are a prolific poster, please consider using those attributes for the betterment of the entire site.

I don’t even want to know what you have against NY (or NJ), but I don’t think people are laughing.

Btw, there’s a TON of stuff about NY on the Web, but I’ll underline just a few.

We’re the busiest EMS in the country (not saying the best, but we all have our faults now don’t we.)

We were THE ONLY CITY IN THE COUNTRY TO BE ATTACKED BY TERRORISM THREE (3) TIMES, for those keeping count that’s TWO more than any other city.

Stop being so damn negative.

Together we stand, divided we fall.

Not laughing.


  spenac said:
As far as your 22g why in the world was your response bag not properly equiped, did you fail to do a check of it or fail to restock. OOPs sorry my bad you said you messed up, but IV stuff should be in the response bag not on your partners person.

Thank you for admitting more than one way to break a window, it is not rocket science.

yup, was lazy and got lucky, my bad (even though the departing crew said everything was good).

Three biggest lies:

I love you,

The check is in the mail,

The bus is good, you don't need to check it...

breaking a window is Not rocket Science?!? Now you tell me! You mean I don't need a minicomputer to calculate mass / velocity of the rock anymore, Great one less thing to carry…

  WANTYNU said:
yup, was lazy and got lucky, my bad (even though the departing crew said everything was good).

Three biggest lies:

I love you,

The check is in the mail,

The bus is good, you don't need to check it...

breaking a window is Not rocket Science?!? Now you tell me! You mean I don't need a minicomputer to calculate mass / velocity of the rock anymore, Great one less thing to carry…

Everythings good on the truck. Several times I've wanted to call previous crew back and ask them if they restocked the wrong truck, cause it sure looks kinda empty to me.

Actually one day found no back boards, we keep 3 on board, no oxygen in main tank or portables, not to mention all the other items, yet I was told it was ready to roll.


Yes, departments will have inane requirements. Personally, I don't think the O2 key is that bad of one... they're light and fit in a side pocket quite easily.

If you are REQUIRED to carry certain items on your person, then, well, you have to carry them and make the best of it. Doesn't mean they all have to go on your belt.

If there are non-required items that you carry for reasons known best to yourself, maybe you don't need to display them? For example... you will scarcely find me without a knife whenever I am wearing pants. (No pockets in skirts, bummer!) Why? Because I've carried a knife for a long time now. It's dead useful at a scout camp or any scouting event, and when I don't have it, I invariably need it. Do I have it in a holster on my belt? Nope. It's in my pocket, clipped to said pocket.

Maybe you like a glove pouch. My personal favorite for that is a sandwich sized ziploc full of 2 pairs of gloves in my BDU pocket (because not everyone has non-latex gloves readily available, believe it or not). Waterproof, cheap, disposable if contaminated, and doesn't require display.

CPR mask? Fits in the other BDU pocket, and hopefully I've got a BVM in the bag so I don't have to use the mask. Shears? Stick em sideways through your belt, right under the small of your back at that rear belt loop. They don't poke you when you sit down and lo and behold, they are there when you need them.

Penlights and pens fit quite well in a shirt pocket or in a side pocket. The beating stick with optional lighting attachment (mag-light) should not have to be stuck to your person. That's about the only thing I could see absolutely needing to hang off a belt if it is in your required items.

Dust, I think the problem doesn't necessarily lie with whackerism at the peon level here... sounds like an entrenched management whackodemic perhaps. Can't chide the peon for not being able to change management.

And perhaps some providers who are very professional and don't have jury-rigged whackobelts, but who nonetheless feel more comfortable carrying multiple items because their personal experience has taught them such, should not take offense when Dust is chiding the less intelligent and less fortunate medics, or raving about their existence in general.

You don't have to justify anything you carry, you know. No one is holding you accountable here or calling you a bad medic because you have 2 penlights and a shear holster. If it feels like a personal attack, take it with a grain of salt, or step back and try to critically re-evaulate your position if you have experienced some discomfiture at Dust's points. Maybe you do have too much crap! Maybe you don't. Only you can decide what to carry (within those stupid requirements in the case of NYC). Your pants, your body.

If an extra tool is part of your comfort zone, who am I to call you a moron? Might as well yell at you for wearing lucky underwear or a saint medal or something. As long as it doesn't interfere with your performance nor reflect badly upon our profession, I really could care less. To each his own, as they say.





Well based on your signature line, Uhmmmm OK I’m going to guess you’re insane.

Wow, in a veiled kind of way, you have, in a saccharine sweet, passive aggressive, diatribe managed to continue bashing me because I’m from NY, call me a moron, and refer to me as a peon, all while repeatedly telling me not to take it personally.

Oh and yes, all with your mighty basic medical 21 year old experience. (btw, My BLS card is older then you even if your lying about your age).

So you tell me I carry too much, AND you carry a CPR mask?


How am I to respond?

Well I hope you feel better getting that off your chest.

It’s funny and sad in a way, that there is this much passion over a duty belt.

With 90% of the posts letting me know how stupid duty belts are…

What a waste of energy.

If anyone had bothered to actually READ my original post, they would realize I was looking for new equipment sources, sorry when working in a constantly changing field, I sort of like to keep up with what’s new, and figured a EMS posting site would be a good place to go sharing new ideas, and information.

But instead I was jumped on by people who wanted to prove how clever they were by misinterpreting my post and jumping all over me for it with obnoxious comments and put downs.

Good job, way to make a new person feel welcome to the group.

It makes me feel all warm inside, and proud to be amongst such professionals.

And I learn so much from this group, coming from such a slow and backward place like NYC.

Yup, the first place I think of, when I’m thinking excellence in EMS, is Michigan

Wendy, I’m actually embarrassed for you.

ntg :D

  NYCntg said:
It’s funny and sad in a way, that there is this much passion over a duty belt.

With 90% of the posts letting me know how stupid duty belts are…


I hate to defend our wild and wacky Wendy but you are the one that had a fit when I made a suggestion that would very much assist you in better weight distribution if you chose to or had to carry so much on your person. Others made suggestions as well. Yes it appears most EMS people worldwide seem to avoid having as much on their person as you describe carrying. I am sorry that the rest of the the world was unable to help you find a solution.


Maybe someone could list all the things they've used the multi-tool for in the last 30 days, HONESTLY.

BTW, did I hear correctly that someone didn't have certain needle size on them....?

  spenac said:
but you are the one that had a fit

Now Spenac, You know that's just not true. Between two crew we have 4-5 items to carry on every job, you know very well I don't carry all that stuff on my belt, and so would anybody with half a brain... What happened someone took the last bit you had left?

Be honest and try, just try to squeeze out some fairness.

You instigated this mess, with half your comments...

Here in the big apple we get a lot of tourists, and when anyone lets us know they're EMS, we welcome them with open arms, and a ride along if they want (very few take us up on it) wonder why.

I thought the midwest was the heartland of this country, where the heart is, not really feeling the warm fuzzies right now.


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