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So I am thinking of applying to Edmonton EMS and under their list of requirements they say a Functional Capacity Assessment is needed. Does anyone know what this is?

If it's anything like what BCAS does it will mean a physical and a fitness test using the CPAFLA guidelines (with some EMS specific tests thrown in for good measure).


Assessment of functional capacity is typically performed on a motorized treadmill or a stationary cycle ergometer. Functional capacity can be measured directly by determining O2max or estimated from the highest treadmill or cycle work rate achieved. O2max is measured in liters per minute, although, it is usually expressed per kilogram of body weight to facilitate intersubject comparisons. Functional capacity, particularly when estimated rather than measured directly, is often expressed in metabolic equivalents (METs).

So essentially, you could be running on a treadmill, hooked to an ECG, breathing through a mouth piece with nose clips on. Or, if the equipment is not that sophisticated, it'll be "trot till you drop" with a steadily increasing incline on the treadmill.


That would be one way of doing it, except not with Edmonton.

Edmontons FCA, is about a 6 minute obstacle course, that includes lifting techniques, walking over balance beam, dummy drag, pull station and stairs. It is followed by a 90 second sorensen back test, then a 160 Lb dummy on a scoop down 7 stairs and over a railing then back up 7 stairs, then you and your randomly selected partner re-do the stairs after switching ends.

Our class 2 people failed it, including a Edmonton Fire Fighter.

Assessment of functional capacity is typically performed on a motorized treadmill or a stationary cycle ergometer. Functional capacity can be measured directly by determining O2max or estimated from the highest treadmill or cycle work rate achieved. O2max is measured in liters per minute, although, it is usually expressed per kilogram of body weight to facilitate intersubject comparisons. Functional capacity, particularly when estimated rather than measured directly, is often expressed in metabolic equivalents (METs).

So essentially, you could be running on a treadmill, hooked to an ECG, breathing through a mouth piece with nose clips on. Or, if the equipment is not that sophisticated, it'll be "trot till you drop" with a steadily increasing incline on the treadmill.


Too bad. With the data that is collected in a lab, you have a medical baseline for other purposes such as chemical or other occupational exposure. It will remain as part of your medical file. HIPAA will guard it except for certain research data bases. But, it can also work against one for deconditioning reasons. We also do altitude simulation for flight personnel as well as for patients wanting to fly or vacation in a different altitude. If you have an unknown cardiac abnormality or O2 carrying capacity defect, we may find it with our technology. We can mimic a wide variety and types of stress loads to the body and capture the body's response.

We have two EMS companies that we do MVO2 max every 5 years and spirometry in a PF Lab. Simple spirometry as done for field tests is not acceptable.

We have actually found that there are people that pass the field tests that shouldn't be even walking around although they appear very healthy. High school and college athletic programs also send us some of their athletes. We have "failed" a handful of star athletes due to a medical problem being detected.

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