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  hammerpcp said:
Having accepted the problem we can now move onto finding solutions. I see two feasible solutions. The first, get those damn pharmaceutical companies doing some research on how to produce an oral contraceptive for men. Condoms just aren't filling the niche (no pun intended). And two, make abortion more easily accessible and affordable. The real question brought to mind here is why are these unwanted babies being born?


And you missed one...... make adoption a more accessible, viable option.... a number of years ago, my husband and I looked into adoption as we cannot have children. Our provincial social services department told us that the waiting list for a "normal" child was up to 11 years, and for a disabled child, up to 3 years. We also looked into private adoptions, and the legal costs were between $12000 and $15000... And what is the cost for these kids to get pregnant? A couple of shots of tequila?

And back to the original topic - what is the cost to this woman for her actions? I suspect that taxpayer dollars will pay for her medical costs, her mendal health assessment costs, her legal costs (if there are any) and who knows what else... and the cost to her will be nothing...... good thing the rest of us have jobs.....

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  hammerpcp said:
And two, make abortion more easily accessible and affordable. The real question brought to mind here is why are these unwanted babies being born?

That isn't really a solution. It's actually more of a root of the problem. The current availability and acceptability of abortion is responsible for the societal cheapening of human life that results in people thinking nothing of flushing one down the toilet or leaving it in a dumpster. If medical murder were not accepted by society, then we wouldn't have this slippery slope that allows people to rationalise committing murder themselves.


In the US, a mother who gives birth, can bring her baby (three days old or younger) to any hospital emergency department, no questions asked other than medical history and leave the baby there. The child will then become a Ward of the State. There is absolutely NO reason for any newborn baby to die.

I volunteer with an organization that works with families that have suffered the loss of infant whether term or preterm, due to various circumstances. We have worked with several mothers who have terminated their pregnancies and a few who have caused themselves to go into premature labor, resulting in the birth of a baby that was not viable. We have had two families where the baby was murdered. In talking with these mothers and the one father involved, we have gotten the following responses:

1. I'm too young to be a mom

2. My parents would have killed me if they would have found out

3. I wasn't ready to be a parent

4. The baby was taking up too much time in my life

5. I don't want kids

6. No one ever told me that I would get pregnant if I had sex when I was drinking

7. I was raped, really, I was, five different times, by five different guys, in one week

8. I don't know why, I just had to do it

9. My boyfriend said he would leave me if I didn't get rid of the baby

10. How can I go to college with a kid

11. You don't know what it's like to be my age and pregnant

12. Every one was making fun of me

13. I thought my boyfriend would come back if thought I was sick

14. I really don't care, what's it to you

These are some of the responses that have stuck out in my mind and I will always remember them as they seemed so cold. Some of these mothers came from low income, dysfunctional homes. Others came from some very well-to-do homes with loving and caring parents. I think they were the ones that were the most cold hearted. It just leaves me in utter amazement that anyone could be so careless with such a fragile life like that. I also know of some mothers who have had to make the decision to terminate their pregnancy due to medical reasons and it was the most agonizing decision they ever had to make.

This is why I have such a strong opinion about a person who can just throw their baby away as this girl did. It will continue to happen until the law reaches out and says enough is enough and truly starts punishing them. It should not matter what your background is, nothing makes up for attempting to murder your child. In my opinion, when it comes to a baby or child, there should be no psychological defense. The baby is the victim not the perpetrator. It's time to stop these incidents from happening.

I am one of those parents who is very involved in my childrens' lives. I have also let them be a part of mine so as they can see how people are affected by the loss of a child. It has taught them compassion towards others and a respect for life that they may not otherwise have. It has also opened their eyes to the effects of sex before you're ready to be a parent. I will not pat myself on the back for who they are but I will give them the thumbs up for who they are becoming. :thumbright: They have made the decision to take what I have given them and use it to form their very being and that makes me proud as a parent. BTW, my kids come from a low income (although not welfare), single parent home.

What it comes down to is having a respect for life and yourself.

  katbemeEMT-B said:
What it comes down to is having a respect for life and yourself.

...she says in-between puffs on her cigarette. :wink:

Just kidding, Kat. Good post, and great work.

  katbemeEMT-B said:
...There is absolutely NO reason for any newborn baby to die.

Of course there's a reason. Like Chris Rock says "there's a reason for everything. There's a reason to push a 90 year old man down a flight of stairs! Just...Don't....Do it!" We don't understand her reasons possibly. But nothing happens without a cause, it's time to identify this one and eliminate it.

  katbemeEMT-B said:
...I volunteer with an organization that works with families that have suffered the loss of infant whether term or preterm, due to various circumstances. We have worked with several mothers who have terminated their pregnancies and a few who have caused themselves to go into premature labor, resulting in the birth of a baby that was not viable. We have had two families where the baby was murdered. In talking with these mothers and the one father involved, we have gotten the following responses:

1. I'm too young to be a mom

2. My parents would have killed me if they would have found out

3. I wasn't ready to be a parent

4. The baby was taking up too much time in my life

5. I don't want kids

6. No one ever told me that I would get pregnant if I had sex when I was drinking

7. I was raped, really, I was, five different times, by five different guys, in one week

8. I don't know why, I just had to do it

9. My boyfriend said he would leave me if I didn't get rid of the baby

10. How can I go to college with a kid

11. You don't know what it's like to be my age and pregnant

12. Every one was making fun of me

13. I thought my boyfriend would come back if thought I was sick

14. I really don't care, what's it to you

You didn't mention what those mothers that murdered their babies said. After all that's what we're talking about. Not abortion. Two radically different behaviors.

  katbemeEMT-B said:
...It will continue to happen until the law reaches out and says enough is enough and truly starts punishing them.

The way the War on Drugs has eliminated illegal drug usage from the U.S.? Perhaps you mean the way the death penalty put a stop to murder?

  katbemeEMT-B said:
...In my opinion, when it comes to a baby or child, there should be no psychological defense.

As in my post above, this is blind, hysterical thinking. How many people that you live your life around would you say are capable of attempting to flush a child down the toilet? I'd say the number is about zero around me as well. So doesn't that cause you to believe that this woman is somehow different from those that you would consider normal? Perhaps broken? That maybe you have no idea what's best when dealing with people this far out of your scope of experience?

I would like to offer you what you so flippantly deny this lady. The psychological defense of justifiable outrage and heartache in regards to putting forth this unrealistic argument.

  katbemeEMT-B said:
...It's time to stop these incidents from happening.

You're absolutely right. Though your solutions have been tried against other, like behaviors, and have failed. Don't you think it's time to think our way out of this box instead of continuing to attempt to punch our way out? Punching feels better! Punching gets everyone on your side, cheering and waving their flags of indignation...it just isn't working. The booming prison industry is proof positive that we need a different answer.

  katbemeEMT-B said:
...What it comes down to is having a respect for life and yourself.

You are very much correct. Were you and your kids born with this, or was it a learned and reinforced behavior? If you have no example for it then how are you able to choose it? And if you never had a chance to choose it, does that make you a monster, or a pitiable, damaged person? And if the latter, shouldn't we do what's necessary to prevent others from suffering the same fate?

Though I sometimes have stong opinions, I'm not pretending that they are answers. But perhaps our debates can be the catalyst for answers in the future.

Thanks for your thoughts.


  DwayneEMTB said:
You're absolutely right. Though your solutions have been tried against other, like behaviors, and have failed. Don't you think it's time to think our way out of this box instead of continuing to attempt to punch our way out? Punching feels better! Punching gets everyone on your side, cheering and waving their flags of indignation...it just isn't working. The booming prison industry is proof positive that we need a different answer.

She didn't say they needed to be punished. She said they need to be more severely punished. Apparently, prison isn't severe enough. Perhaps there is a point to that.

DwayneEMTB wrote:

What I find reprehensible is all of the blind hatred...

Everyone wants to scream “String this animal up!”

Or “She's a beast but she'll get off on some technicality”

Yeah! Where's the father of this baby??? :boxing:

I agree with Dwayne, there should be more education, but that's just a dream. This woman could've sat through hours of sex ed. and at the end do the very same thing they told her not to do. What is lacking here is responsibility and accountability. It has become easier to blame things on others and/or pretend that they didn't know, than to assume ownership for one's acts. Don't tell me she didn't know she was pregnant, when she obviously knew what she was trying to flush down the toilet. If she had honestly not known, she probably would've been screaming like a nut in that bathroom, not trying to hide it. She had options and better ways to deal with the problem, than just to do what she did. And yes, what she did was awful... but is done, now she has to face consequences.

What will happen if we punish her? Will it stop the behavior? Maybe, maybe not. The question lies therein.


I guess the root of this problem is with these girls is that sex feels good and condoms break. So now we have a pregnant girl and she wants to keep the baby, so whose going to provide for her?

Welfare / AISH

The fact they are on this is because some of them can get away with it by having more children. My sister in law back in her day did that, the more children she had the more money she got.

But when it came down to it, they finally stepped in and said she had to get a job. I told them that's easy for you to do, but not for her. She doesnt have any work skills, so how is this going to happen for her?

So when you truly look at it she had 7 bastard children and she never married.

you can tell these people about keeping their legs closed and they will tell you to mind your own business. I said to this one girl, I pay taxes, so why in hell should I pay you to live when you can get a job and support yourself and the baby.

I have a friend who is catholic and she is pro-choice, because she says; to many of them get an abortion and they can be botched up and most of them die. Tell me where in Calgary do they botch them up, where??

  WendyT said:
I guess the root of this problem is with these girls is that sex feels good and condoms break.

So to fix the "root of this problem", how do we go about making sex feel BAD for these girls so they will stop all this sexin' of our fine upstanding male population? Great idea I never considered. Lets make it feel bad and less will do it....

  akflightmedic said:
So to fix the "root of this problem", how do we go about making sex feel BAD for these girls so they will stop all this sexin' of our fine upstanding male population? Great idea I never considered. Lets make it feel bad and less will do it....


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