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Im not meaning to offend anyone...but why is it we hardley hear about EMT's? Itis always police/ Firefighters.......not all of us are fire fighters.....anyone know why EMT's arent recognized as much?

Discussed to death, and usually in an appropriate forum.

But since you ask, the public doesn't even realise that we exist. They think we are the firefighters, so when they recognise them, they think they are recognising us too.

But really... who cares? Did you get into EMS to be a hero, or to be a medical professional?

But since you ask, the public doesn't even realise that we exist. They think we are the firefighters, so when they recognise them, they think they are recognising us too.
As long as the girls think that way, too, I'm set :D

Sorry Powell, I should have mentioned in my original reply... you don't have to worry about offending anybody with this topic. No offense taken. I mean really, we all already know we get no recognition. This isn't news to anybody, I hope, lol. But it does get brought up a lot here, so there are certainly people who are more than tired of being reminded of it. More than half of the people in EMS don't want us to progress into a separate, recognisable, professional entity, so it's a touchy subject.

Got any ideas on how we can change that?


Both police and fire departments have been around for over 200 years. EMS has only been around, officially, from roughly 1970.

Figure they have a better publicity machine than us.

Don't worry, we're getting better in the publicity area, while admittedly we have a ways to go.

Sorry Powell, I should have mentioned in my original reply... you don't have to worry about offending anybody with this topic. No offense taken. I mean really, we all already know we get no recognition. This isn't news to anybody, I hope, lol. But it does get brought up a lot here, so there are certainly people who are more than tired of being reminded of it. More than half of the people in EMS don't want us to progress into a separate, recognisable, professional entity, so it's a touchy subject.

Got any ideas on how we can change that?

you mean.....I don't get to be a hero doing this :shock: .....(looks like computer technology for me lol)


When I was but a wee lad, I'd put on red and blue pajamas, a cape, and run around the house with a really big "P" emblazoned across my chest, and my dads' stethoscope slung around my neck, and trauma shears tucked in the small of my back. I knew then what I wanted to do with my life...be an EMS Hero!

No, seriously. If I hear someone mention "Nine-Eleven"* again, I'm going to blow up the world. People throw around that phrase like it's some kind of rock band. Nearly every firemonkey I see has "9/11" stickers, "Always Remember" stickers, or worse, emblazoned on their POVs, and gear. It's like people use it as an excuse to come together and shed tears.

Yes, no one even knows EMS exists, for the most part. Remember, we're all "ambulance drivers" that work for the big bad Fire Dept. Things are in the works to change this, but it will take time, and alot of kicking people in the arse.

Note: I'm as patriotic as the next veteran, don't get me wrong. I volunteered for the service, served honorably, got out and started a family. I love this country, and I put my hand over my heart at every high school football game for the anthem. I'm just sick & tired of the bull5h1t. This isn't the place for political rants, so I won't go there, but...I was watching a show of some sort this week, where a reporter was interviewing people on the street, in LA, asking them various questions. One question was, what year did "9/11" take place. Not one of those shallow, blonde, fake barbie-doll plastic wannabes knew the answer. MANY people were asked. The answers ranged from 2002, to 2005. One "girl" said "it doesn't matter". Other questions that were asked...What is Britney Spears' ex-husbands name? What is the name of one of Angelina Jolies' kids? By god, those shallow people knew the answer to those questions. I'm just sick of it all.

* P=Paramedic, for those of you that roll hose.

**Rock band reference of "3/11", if anyone remembers them.



I wish i had acces to dust's collection of pictures, thats a corker!!

In all seriousness, i met an american chick here about 6 months ago (who was a stunner!) when i was doing the medical covergae for a dance party, she promptly asked me what was the name of my fire department. She could not fathom the idea that ambologists were there own profession, instead of an arm of the fir service :?

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