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How's the weather on the Cape now?

Weather was b-e-a-utiful. Leaving Maryland it was around 78 degrees, up at the Cape it was around 70-72 with a brisk breeze blowing off the water. I wish we could have stayed up there longer, or drove up to Canada go get a picture of the ambo next to a "welcome to Canada" sign. Oh well, maybe on the next trip :lol:

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*roll eyes*

I use to work in Dallas and when my city permit was almost expired, my supervisor was going to give me a call to go to Houston for a pick up to take the patient to Oklahoma City...the hell with that, I would have quit because my hubby was working in dispatch and I had a son who is in daycare...who is going to take care of my son? Large ambulance companies don't care about you or the patient or if you have family...they care about profits. *sigh*

*roll eyes*

I use to work in Dallas and when my city permit was almost expired, my supervisor was going to give me a call to go to Houston for a pick up to take the patient to Oklahoma City...the hell with that, I would have quit because my hubby was working in dispatch and I had a son who is in daycare...who is going to take care of my son? Large ambulance companies don't care about you or the patient or if you have family...they care about profits. *sigh*

/me starts handing out tin foil hats.

Yep, large companies are evil, ergo small family run companies are the panacea for EMS/transport companies.

I use to work in Dallas and when my city permit was almost expired, my supervisor was going to give me a call to go to Houston for a pick up to take the patient to Oklahoma City...the hell with that, I would have quit because my hubby was working in dispatch and I had a son who is in daycare...who is going to take care of my son? Large ambulance companies don't care about you or the patient or if you have family...they care about profits. *sigh*

So what's your solution? Tell the patient to get bent?

Any ambulance service provider -- large or small -- existes to take care of patients, not your son. It's just too bad there are so many employees who don't have the same interest.

*roll eyes*


brentoli wrote:

Did you save some diapers for yourself?

Haha, yea we had a few diapers left over since the patient didn't need them. But the White Castle surprisingly agreed with all of our stomachs. lol.

But one thing that I do have to say about White Castle in Trenton NJ is that the counter was behind inch thick bulletproof glass! :shock: Seriously, you slide your money underneath the glass through a slot and you get your order through a bulletproof box, they open their side and put your food in, they close the door, you open your side and get it out!!!! I'm a country boy ya'll. From the land of barn fires and where we have "drive your tractor to school day" (no lie), I've never really felt so scared for my life then I did at the White Castle!


To quote Nancy Reagan, "Just say no to the DOPE "(your bosses)..

I wouldn't do it,,,, I know i worked for a company that did stuff like that occasionally, and they gave you a company credit card to sleep overnight at a hotel.

Didn't pay you for the down time though. good luck

But one thing that I do have to say about White Castle in Trenton NJ is that the counter was behind inch thick bulletproof glass! :shock: Seriously, you slide your money underneath the glass through a slot and you get your order through a bulletproof box, they open their side and put your food in, they close the door, you open your side and get it out!!!

LMAO! :lol:

Sounds just like my ambulance trip from Dallas to Detroit and back. We get to Detroit in the middle of the night, locate the hospital we will be picking up from in the morning, then go searching for a motel close by. We pull into the first motel we see, and just like the White Castle, the night clerk is behind bullet proof glass at a drive up window, with an electronic iron gate blocking the driveway. Better security than the White House. We tell the clerk we need a room. He asks, "for how long?" We tell him just for the night. He replies, "ALL NIGHT?" with a surprised look on his face. Then he notices that we are in an ambulance and says, "Uhhh... I don't think you want this motel. We rent by the hour."


Hi, This intruigued me as I once managed and yes drove a trucking company. There are some laws that should be held in reguards to a long distance transport such as this.

One person is only allowed to drive a maximum of 14 out of 24 hours a day or no more than 630 odd miles. A team driving can drive continuously as long as there is a 'bunk area' for the other driver that can 'sleep' during the drive. We've all tried to sleep in a moving ambulance, it dosen't work, besides. How do you sleep while monitoring your patient?

Although that EMS dodges the driving laws that commerical truck drivers do, wouldn't you think if something were to happen on the way to or back such as a wreck where someone is seroiuously hurt or killed, that the questions of commercial driving of this distance non stop be questioned?

My reply to my director on those orders would be that is totally unsafe to hurry up and hurry back in 16 hours.

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