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This is not a personal attack

It is sad how many good EMT's and Medics are wasting the good they have to offer on the rigs in AB. A friend of mine took her EMT, went straight to the rigs for about 3 yrs, came back out and had a hard time getting comfortable in a 911 service. She said it took over a full year before she was even remotly comfortable with patients.

I work full time 4 on 4 off

Have a stay at home wife, and 2 kids in school. I pay my rent and drive a newer Malibu. There is money outside the rigs, but you will have to work for it. Of course that is not as easy as sittin in an MTC, losing your core knowledgebase and skillset.


Could it be the smoke and mirrors of the Alberta Advantage ?

Seriously just not the panacea that is touted, one must take into consideration many variables before pulling up stakes:

1- Just because that Gut Wagon Show is accepting applications and resumes DOES NOT INDICATE THEY HAVE A VIABLE CONTRACT...ps over 180 industrial shows running these days, many going down the tubes I dare say.

2- There is a slowdown in gas development ... look to the costs of oil and gas ... good indicators.

3- know how many people in foreclosure, loosing homes and their white 3/4 ton trucks...!

4- The boom or bust nature, do you want to live in a Camp when you have a wife and a kids at home ?

5- The day rater phenomenon ... one sideways look or complaint to an employer ... and your history (aka zero job security)

On another note it is quite disappointing that the current Government in AB has seriously under funded in the majority of Ambulance services. The true irony exists as for industry vs Public Delivery of care.

OH+S regs:

1- - Risk assessment is evaluated as high for anything other than office workers in industry. (ie paper cuts)

2- Sites > than 40 minutes transport to a 'hospital"

3- Sites > 200 men/ women on a site, requires an EMT-P or RN ?

BUT nothing in the OH + S regs stipulates the just what equipment is required (a topic in its own right)

4- Industry is also under a serious misconception with a the STARS registry for a remote spot ... meh !

This is NOT DUE DILIGENCE and that this is a very serious gap in EMS ERP (Emergency Response Planning) one has to look to night flying capability/ weather and realistic range from these bases. These Oil companies have been majorly duped into believing that a flying blood clot will actually show up...I digress, but some day this will become an issue , mark my words.

note: Industry does have experianced, informed advisors these days... hmmm.

Pubic delivery in Standard of Care very Dependant on the municipaliies funding formula:

The very realistic situation exists, that of RURAL communities in Alberta.

My point being that the Government does not follow there own code !

(I guess its the same as the "pirate code" ... more of guidelines I guess)

Sounds like Hypocrisy to me :evil:

MANY outlying rural communities far and above exceed the requirements for ALS coverage.

1- Travel to and from the worksites are the highest statistical "risk assessment" ??? These workers live and travel through the communities EVERY DAY!

2- 10 x more injuries in the home than a worksite. ????

3- But under the Ambulance Services Act (AB) the rural/urban services have far more stringent stipulations and regulations in regard to mandatory equipment. ???


End of RANT.

All the ALS in the world will do little when the critical treatment window is 10 mins and ALS is 11 mins away. The variance between a standard first aider and an EMT-B level trained provider "could" be all the difference needed until ALS arrives on scene. Its not a perfect system by any means.

Must disagree based on their are no EMT-B's one does need a EMT-A.

The oilpatch has had way too many FA freak on site its really too bad because it paints "way too many good people" with the same paintbrush.

Quite unrealistic time frames more like > 40 minutes in the areas I have made note the concept of Remote clinics could cut that TO ALS intercept/ intevention in half, anyway your quoting a US standard's and info out of the US, and this golden hour ?? meh!

No weight at all in AB !!! Get a trauma patient to a trauma surgeon, MAN their is NONE in outlying communities other than CowTown or Deadmonton.

I never said an EMR has a greater scope than OFA 3.

With a centralized system you still do not have boots on the ground ON SITE providing possible life saving BLS skills to a trauma patient within an EMR scope of practice.

GOOD but lets up the anti shall we? Yes the First Responders make a huge differance to a positive out come .... SAVE LIVES ? dood your watching too much hollywood movies ... look to my signature this is well ..... lets not blow too much smoke, it tickles me arse.

I just might have some insight into the regs here ..... :cry:

As for NS ACP's, they are ACoP licensed.

GOOD again, because this remote supervision (that is believed to be an acceptable condition for non registered practitioners and is poorly understood @ the ACP level {restricted practice permit} btw not licence. I WILL say that this is very actively being watched and could very well result in investigations and negative outcomes, and is the medical director really aware ?


This is not a personal attack

It is sad how many good EMT's and Medics are wasting the good they have to offer on the rigs in AB. A friend of mine took her EMT, went straight to the rigs for about 3 yrs, came back out and had a hard time getting comfortable in a 911 service. She said it took over a full year before she was even remotly comfortable with patients.

I work full time 4 on 4 off

Have a stay at home wife, and 2 kids in school. I pay my rent and drive a newer Malibu. There is money outside the rigs, but you will have to work for it. Of course that is not as easy as sittin in an MTC, losing your core knowledgebase and skillset.

Hey would it not be great to work with an ALS service and get payed more ? I bet your lady would like that idea, as would you mobey ! :cry:

That said Core Knowledge, skill sets are the Responsibility of the Practitioner this situation is a bit anecdotal and quite true of just about any, like maybe working on a transfer car... not disagreeing just a counterpoint is all.



I agree tniuqs.

i believe you can keep up on your knowledge or perhaps even advance it through working the rigs because you can keep your nose stuck in journals and books. But really for most in industry (present company excluded) how many do?

Anyone I have talked to that worked industry before 911 for more than a year or two, all said the same thing. yes I agree I am being anecdotal (and I have seen MAST pants save a life :wink: ) but i can only run on my experience and feedback from others.

Could it be the smoke and mirrors of the Alberta Advantage ?

Seriously just not the panacea that is touted, one must take into consideration many variables before pulling up stakes:

Must disagree based on their are no EMT-B's one does need a EMT-A.

The oilpatch has had way too many FA freak on site its really too bad because it paints "way too many good people" with the same paintbrush.

GOOD but lets up the anti shall we? Yes the First Responders make a huge differance to a positive out come .... SAVE LIVES ? dood your watching too much hollywood movies ... look to my signature this is well ..... lets not blow too much smoke, it tickles me arse.

Great thread!

I guess it all depends on your background. Working in NS at the PCP level for $14/hr when the cost of living is 40% more than AB is not constructive. AB is a much better option than out east, I know as I am living it.

As for rig money, again its what you are used to. People from the east are used to being slaves to the master with no rights or future and for a peso wage with an increased cost of living. We are also willing to do what it takes to live, if that means home for 12 weeks a year till you get your feet on the ground then so be it. Git er done.

As for FA'rs and EMR's being useless, well the same can be applied to all levels of health care its individual. I worked remote sites in the east on and offshore and witnessed MANY basic responders completely plug the drain for hrs until evac or advanced care showed so this dissing basic care providers does not wash with me in the least. ABC's are a basic skill and saves lives period. That said you are correct it depends on the provider and its a crap shoot to how they will react, this goes for all levels not just basics. The good the bad the ugly.

At the end of the day dont get hurt, gain an IQ and live healthy.


Battling natural selection since 1996

As for FA'rs and EMR's being useless, well the same can be applied to all levels of health care its individual. I worked remote sites in the east on and offshore and witnessed MANY basic responders completely plug the drain for hrs until evac or advanced care showed so this dissing basic care providers does not wash with me in the least. ABC's are a basic skill and saves lives period. That said you are correct it depends on the provider and its a crap shoot to how they will react, this goes for all levels not just basics. The good the bad the ugly.

Hold urine Horses ! Never said any group was useless ... ever ! The concept of "SAVING LIVES" is my bone of contention it is false heroism:

Protecting an airway and taking away the pain were some of my biggest motivationional factors to continue up the food chain.

We need to UP the high bar is all, improve deployments of available resources and looking from outside that stale government perspective, to prove a better way, bet I can save them all money too ... always the bottom line.


A true Hero is one that overcomes a fear of personal injury/ death and risking their own life to aid some one.

WE are just doing a job and it is a team approach, just saying ......



Hey I made a new word ??? :shock:

Proof reading is everything .... LMFAO!

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