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I will gladly teach anyone everything I know; however, show the the know-it-all attitude, my goal turns to making you cry.

I think Herbie and I just might work very well together. :D

I actually did make a new medic cry once. I wasn't even trying either. I gave him every opportunity to stop what he was doing and he just persisted. Well, I guess he didn't like the way I responded to him. The scary thing is that I didn't raise my voice or swear at him once. It was all even toned and quite professional.

He quit shortly thereafter. I think it might've had something to do with the fact that he was told if he didn't he'd be fired. ;)

-be safe

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Thanks for the responses, and no offense intended,...but did anyone actually read the post?

....What about the responses you've received are not to your liking?...

There you go- you can't ask medics anything without getting attitude...

(just kiddin Mike)


If I have a student I expect questions to be asked. No matter how it's asked, I remember what it was like to be a student. Most are nervous, etc and there's no need to be snippy. If I don't like the student's attitude, they don't ride with me. I had one talking on her cell phone in front of the patient, told her not to, she rolled her eyes, and she went home. Very simple. I don't care how they're asked, as long as the student is learning something.

Yes. Twice just to make sure.

What about the responses you've received are not to your liking?

-be safe

Hopefully my history of posts will put to rest any questions of whether or not this is due to my attitude, need to be right, thinking I'm smarter than the medics, having 'chip on my shoulder' etc.

The above was as intended to eliminate the "ask them right and you won't get that response" response. Being 44 years old and having spent my entire adult life as a professional, I'm used to being polite, respectful and tactful when appropriate.

As well, I attempted to make the point that the curiosity wasn't that I couldn't ask questions, but that the same person (me), with presumably the same approach (mine), seems to get different reactions in hospital (seen as learning) and out (often seen as a challenge). I'd wondered why that might be.

To the medics...though I know none of “you” have (has?) ever done this. What gives? Is it possible this is part of what the basics and intermediates are tripping over? That they are trying to learn (like me) but instead instantly being seen as a "know it all"?

Do nurses constantly tell stories of medic and nursing students 'challenging' them?

These were my main questions, the rest was attempting to define what made me curious and the responses I was curious about. Though it's possible that I missed it, I didn't see them addressed really in any manner.

If I was 20 and asking "why won't people answer me!?!" or some other non-specific questions, then most of the replies would have been appropriate.

It was not my intention to be disrespecful, as none of the responses really addressed my questions, it seemed perhaps everyone assumed this was the "same old question." and skimmed it instead of reading it.

This is meant simply to answer your question...in no way am I attempting to be a butthead, as I'm always gratefull when others give their time to help us learn...

Have a good one!



I also forgot to mention that I explain everything to my patient, therefore if the student is paying attention they will know exactly what i'm doing, and why i'm doing it. I introduce the student, and will ask the patient (and usually the student will ask also) if they have any questions.

If I have a student I expect questions to be asked. No matter how it's asked, I remember what it was like to be a student. Most are nervous, etc and there's no need to be snippy. If I don't like the student's attitude, they don't ride with me. I had one talking on her cell phone in front of the patient, told her not to, she rolled her eyes, and she went home. Very simple. I don't care how they're asked, as long as the student is learning something.

Hell Yummy, I have no problem at all seeing that in you and your attitude. You're a peach.

I guess what makes me curious...Are you telling me that none of you have any idea what I'm talking about?

Is that where I went off in the ditch, that I'm the only one on the planet that has seen this?



I don't think you're attempting to be a butthead about anything. Just as I wasn't trying to be a smartarse about asking what you weren't happy with.

My response I think could apply to anyone whether they be 20 or 60. You've been around long enough to know that tact and appropriate timing are not something that someone has simply because they're older. Even though it wasn't the answer you were looking for I think it still applies...maybe not to you personally but to others who will read this.

I can't answer the question re: nurses telling stories about medics. However, with regards to your questions about coming across as a know it all it still comes down to the presentation. And, as you well know, tact will go a long way.

I've had some students ask me questions and do nothing but stick their foot in their mouth each and every time they try to speak (i.e. know it all). I've had others who ask great questions at just the right time and in the right way.

Please note, I'm not saying you have no tact. Nor am I saying you're out of line or way off in your timing or in how you ask. Perhaps it all just comes down to personality. Some mesh well. Others not so well. Yet others not at all. Maybe you've just gotten a bunch of curmudgeons who can't be bothered. Maybe your age and life experience comes across as a threat to those with whom you're interacting. It wouldn't be the first time people have been put out by knowledge, maturity and the confidence it can bring.

We've never met so we wouldn't know each other if we tripped over one another. While we may, over the course of posting here, think we know another personality pretty well there's much that can't be picked up. One of those things that cant' be picked up are the subtleties of discussion that could explain what you want to know...or provide the answers you want in what's been posted. So I hope that in some way this helps answer your questions. ;)

Hope this helps.

-be safe

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