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Did you ever have a partner in Medic school you despized?

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I think it is the duty of all providers to serve in a mentor role, but I also think that this role is often times abused both academically and professionally.

If you are in the role of someone who's success is based on the success of others, such as a teacher or a supervisor, it is in your interest to try to pass off some of your responsibilty onto subordinates, i.e, pairing a weak student with a strong student or a weak partner with a strong partner, and if it goes to far, it is patently unfair to the stronger students and partners.

I don't mind helping others. I enjoy it. But my job as a student is to study and succeed, not to play tutor, and my job as a paramedic is to make sure that appropriate prehospital care is rendered, not to babysit. Its one of the many current frustrations I deal with in my current position, I am given substandard people as coworkers, and the impetus is placed on me to make it succeed, and it is wrong.

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